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Titanium alloys are used in the manufacture of high precision components

[ Information dissemination:This station | Release Time:2018-04-17 | Number of views:1150 ]

The advantages of titanium in automotive applications are self-evident and can greatly reduce quality, fuel consumption, efficiency, environment and noise. The key is how to reduce the cost of titanium and its alloy parts to an acceptable level. It has been studied that, using traditional production techniques, the cost of the titanium rolled product is 4.4 USD/kg, which, based on general experience, is doubled for each processing step, so the material cost is at least 17.6 USD/kg. The rolling product costs up to 44 USD/kg after being made into the final machined part. Obviously, it is impossible to replace the corresponding steel parts with such titanium. However, the use of powder metallurgy Titanium is quite different. If the current price of sponge titanium powder or scrap is between 4.4 and 8.8 USD/kg, the cost of net or near net compacted billets would be less than 4.4 USD/kg; After a minimum amount of cutting, the cost of connecting rod and other parts

Titanium, with a range of superior properties, such as high intensity mass ratio, high strength at high temperatures, corrosion resistance and thermal stability, is widely regarded, however, the traditional use of titanium and titanium alloys is concentrated in the aerospace and navigation industry. The main constraint factor of civil Titanium is product cost. The powder metallurgy of titanium is a completely different method of producing titanium parts from other technologies. The powder metallurgy is used to produce the parts, instead of sponge titanium. Powder metallurgy can limit waste associated with traditional titanium production without vacuum arc remelting, electron beam melting or plasma arc melting. Powder can directly form any shape or roll the finished product, reduce the raw material needed to make a component, and produce higher output. This process can also produce near-net components, reduce the usual waste associated with the production of traditional components, less process steps, increased output. However, there are also problems with powder metallurgy that need to be improved, most notably pollution control.

The application prospect of titanium for civil use

At present, powder metallurgy titanium alloy has been used in new high performance automobile, mainly in engine system and chassis. In the chassis mainly used as Springs, exhaust system, half shaft and various fasteners. The Japanese company Toyota has developed a method of powder metallurgy forging which can reduce the cost effectively. Using this method, the titanium valve of automobile engine can be reduced by 40 %. The intake valve is made of Ti-6Al-4V alloy by powder metallurgy forging process. The exhaust valve is made of composite material. The composite material is made of a new alloy powder processed with boride as the strengthening agent. The matrix composition is Ti-6 Al-4Sn-4Zn-1 Mo-0.2 Si-0.3 O, which has excellent creep resistance.
